Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Sheen of Truth

Truth is always paradoxical. - Henry David Thoreau in the Zen Calendar (June 28, 2004).

Without a rope, people bind themselves. - Zen Saying in the Zen Calendar (May 23, 2004).

Day 351.  My mom had lunch with a friend today (someone I am honored to have as a follower of my blog).  The friend does some blogging of her own, and mentioned that a recent post of hers received 45,000 hits on one day.  Impressive.  I suspect the topic was not cushion sitting or a derivative thereof.  I also suspect that if my blog were to survive my next thousand lifetimes, it would still not have that many hits.  Whew, what a relief.  I would hate to have to wrestle my ego (AND my OCD) if I were to become attached to something as quantifiable as "number of hits on a post."

Speaking of hits, I took one today (ah, how a good segue makes my scalp tingle)!  After my wordy renunciation  of board membership in yesterday's post, it seems I have, in fact, been elected to the Board In Question.  I received a call from the incoming President this morning.  She was wondering about my tardiness in responding to the e-mail notifying me of my appointment.  Oops.  I never got the memo.  Literally.  She had a former e-mail address (will it take a sledge hammer upside my head to convince me to jump into this century and communicate like everyone else!?)  I gave her my current e-mail address and thanked her for the appointment.  I've been chuckling at myself ever since.

A Pox on My Blog!  Especially the posts during which I must eat crow as I type.  For it appears as though the quintessential non-Board member has accepted a position on a board.  For a semi-straight chick, I'm pretty fickle.  The possibility of omitting this particular turn of events from the blog flickered across my consciousness, but only temporarily.  I have maintained my commitment to transparency (revealed, hopefully, through a filter of discretion and common sense) for this long; I'm not going to abandon it now.

So here I sit, fingers poised expectantly over the keyboard, brain racing in asymmetrical curves trying to reconcile yesterday's blog (written in all sincerity) with today's acceptance of being a Board member (uttered in all sincerity).   I shall abandon attempts at reconciliation and slither under Thoreau's quote:  Truth is always paradoxical.  Truth can be a slippery concept, but  less so if I stare it directly in the eye with my feet planted squarely on the solidness of Reality. Granted, the appointment was for something I am pretty good at and already do a great deal of (chairing the organization's Speaker Bureau).   Oops - there it is:  Truth just threatened to take on a bit of a sheen.  I almost slipped right off that solid spot on Reality - the one on which I was standing so firmly.  According to Reality, here goes:  It was True I didn't want to be a board member when I hadn't been asked; it is True I accepted a board position when I was asked.

The Truth is that I likely would have accepted any position offered.  The Further Truth is that I still won't be a Rah-Rah.  The Furthest Truth is that I am closing tonight's post at this juncture.  I have to prepare for a Board meeting.


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