Sunday, August 15, 2010

Memorial Day

Durango has lost a dear friend . . .
. . . and the world has lost a great humanitarian.
- From the two-sided postcard handed out at Tom's Memorial Service.

Day 195. Sunrise over the mountains. Not that I was awake to see it actually rise, but it is up at the moment, shining its best Colorado bright, so it seems like a safe assumption.

Tom's memorial service is this afternoon. Dana spoke a little about the slide show and said it was, "Very powerful. . . bring lots of tissue." Like I needed to be told that. The slide show made me reflect a bit more on the "venue question." Thinking about death shines a poignant beam on contemplating life. I've been meandering about in my mind, envisioning the slides at my memorial services. Lots of bike pics, I hope. And definitely the ones from the top of the mountain we climbed yesterday. Mortality is a humbling, but provocative concept. It is tempting to spend a great deal of time contemplating it, though it occurs to me that mortality, like Reality, will march on whether we devote cerebral space to it or not. I think I'll focus on the moments I'm alive instead.

This will be a short blog because we are checking out in the imminent future. It's looking like I'll be sitting zazen in the Xterra again. Most likely surrounded by mountains. I can think of worse places to be.

CycleBuddha Doc

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