Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Matter of Character

Meditation is not a difficult task.  It is a way to lead you to your long-lost home. - Soen Shaku in the Zen Calendar (January 28, 2002).

I raise my hand; I take a book from the other side of the desk; I hear the boys playing outside my window; I see the clouds blown away beyond the neighboring woods - in all these I am practicing Zen, I am living Zen.  No wordy discussion is necessary, nor any explanation. - D. T. Suzuki in the Zen Calendar (December 15, 2007).

Zen is a matter of character, not a matter of intellect. - D. T. Suzuki in the Zen Calendar (October 28, 2007).

Zazen is itself enlightenment. - Dogen in the Zen Calendar (September 28, 1999).

Day 361.  Five blogs remain.  I spent the day with a sangha of ten as we sat zazen, performed kinhin, and shared dharma talk with Jiun Hosen.  A zazen retreat with an inspiring, compassionate Bodhisattva.  I am filled with inarticulable gratitude and delight over this gift.  What a miraculous weekend with which to usher out my 40's.


  1. I know there are five blogs left, but I think the clinking of glasses should begin!

    Brilliant writing, Julie. Thanks for the year. And in five days I'm faced with a peculiar conundrum: I’ve become attached to your blog! Still struggling with that perceived/preferred Reality thing, but hey, I'm going to miss you!

    Moving on to Big Mind or at least a bigger mind view of this,
    Congratulations! And clink a few, or a lot!
    --Attached Reader

  2. April2go: I LOVED opening the blog and reading your comment tonight -- Thank you so much. Your timing was perfect - sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who ever reads this stuff, which doesn't feel too great being as how I'm supposed to be ego-less and all. Please know your "attachment" to the blog is extremely meaningful to me. Also, know that it is HIGHLY likely there will be more blogs. Like my zazen practice, I sense I have developed a lifelong habit. Thank you for your readership. Gassho!
