Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Got What I Need

So the substitute blogger kind of fell down on the job tonight. I was not able to handle the dinosaur situation over the phone, so I am now the one writing this post, Her Blogness will be on tomorrow to update. Sleep well readers and the real thing will be in this place tomorrow!
- The Ghost Blogger

You can't always get what you want.
You can't always get what you want.
You can't always get what you want,
But if you try sometimes, you just might find
You get what you need. . . . - The Rolling Stones from "You Can't Always Get What You Want."

Day 288. I love my Ghost Writer beyond life itself. Especially on nights in the midst of end-of-semester-before-Thanksgiving-Holiday deadlines when he voluntarily hangs out on the phone with me while we apply every resuscitation technique known to technology in our attempts to revive the dinosaur. Gassho to my son for his patience, not to mention the expanse of his computer knowledge, which blows me away. I love his opening to this post. "Her Blogness" is amongst the best compliments of which I have ever been the humble recipient.

I am going to let this one stand as is - A consummate reminder that I don't always get what I want (a working computer on which to blog), but I get what I need (a humorous, keep-my-perspective conversation with my son during the busiest part of his school semester). Greatest Gratitude to the cosmos.


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